Saturday, August 30, 2014

No Excuses.

In David Zinczenko's article Don't Blame the Eater (241-43) David writes in response to teenagers suing McDonalds for making them fat. David begins his take on this with his sarcastic title, Don't Blame the Eater, which to clearly means, uh yeah blame the fast food industry for making people fat and not the person making the decision of eating fast food multiple times a day on the daily. David Words this as "Personal Responsibility". 

Today it seems people feel the need to blame anything and everything on something. They make excuses in order to make themselves feel better of their on failures or thought of an inability to accomplish something. Whatever happened to Personal Responsibility? David compares suing McDonalds for making you fat like "...Middle aged men suing Porsche for making them get speeding tickets." It all comes down to personal responsibility, the choice you make today will determine your tomorrow. I understand that its easy to blame something for your shortcomings, i know I've done it practically my whole life, but how can you ever learn from your mistakes if you never admit to having one? Weight loss is challenge, i know first hand. I weighed in at 305 lbs this February of 2014. I never blamed anything or anyone for my weight however i always new it was me the food did not force itself into my mouth i made those choices, and then i made the choice to get better. Admitting to your mistakes and quitting excuses is one step the hard part is finally deciding on what to do about it. Me, i have my motivation my reason for becoming the best that i can be. I always wanted to go into the Marines its my dream. You can't go into the Marines over weight. They don't want someone who's lazy and doesn't try their best to overcome difficulties. i finally took the step to begin my journey, im now down over 50 lbs weighing in at 254 through just telling myself i can and making better choices. Im now well on my way to reach my dream, i still have some ways to go but i know ill get there. There is no one to blame but oneself, that is what David is saying and i completely agree. 

1 comment:

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